Art Déco: Milan’s tribute to modern sophistication

A significantly important event connected to art and culture opened its doors to visitors in Milan on the 27th of February. The Art Déco: The Triumph of Modernity exhibition at Palazzo Reale is an event dedicated to celebrating the centenary of Art Déco, a style that emerged from the Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes held in Paris in 1925. From glassware and ceramics to jewelry and haute couture dresses, the exhibit covers approximately 250 works of art.

Marcello Dudovich al Museo Interattivo di Cinema a Milano

Dal 23 novembre 2024 al 9 marzo 2025, il MICMuseo Interattivo del Cinema di Milano ospita la mostra Marcello Dudovich, Unfinished. Cinema, 1915-1933. Curata da Matteo Pavesi e prodotta da Cineteca Milano, l’esposizione rende omaggio a Marcello Dudovich, uno dei più grandi illustratori italiani e pioniere della cartellonistica pubblicitaria moderna.