With the rise of creators such as Nara Smith, that initially used her platform to showcase her skills in doing everything from scratch, artisan spirit is at an all time high. So when would it be a better time to put yourselves to the test if not Christmas? Let us inspire you with 5 themed dinner parties to organise this holiday season.
Finalmente è arrivato il nostro ultimo appuntamento prima di Natale. Questa settimana, come promesso, vi proponiamo altri cinque film natalizi. Il Grinch (2018) “Il Grinch” è un film d’animazione basato sul celebre racconto natalizio del Dr. Seuss. Protagonista della storia è il Grinch, una creatura verde e pelosa che vive…
The narrative of 2020 really did resemble a novel. Between the pandemic, the american election and the furious marathon towards a vaccine, it was like powering through a tragic highschool reading. Now, with less than ten days left to this year, we still have to face the festivities and the virus that stole Christmas.