With the rise of creators such as Nara Smith, that initially used her platform to showcase her skills in doing everything from scratch, artisan spirit is at an all time high. So when would it be a better time to put yourselves to the test if not Christmas? Let us inspire you with 5 themed dinner parties to organise this holiday season.
Cada 12 de diciembre en México celebran a la Virgen de Guadalupe, una figura religiosa que con el pasar de los años se ha convertido también en un símbolo cultural e identitario del país. Pero, ¿por qué la Virgen de Guadalupe es una figura tan importante para los mexicanos?
Hoy, 6 de diciembre, Jorge Humberto González Ríos festeja su cumpleaños 60. Gonzáles cuenta con una amplia trayectoria en la escena musical chilena, tanto en el grupo Los Prisioneros como en su carrera de solista, convirtiéndose en una figura influyente cuyo legado ha logrado marcar generaciones enteras.
Uncover “SalvArti“, a brand new exhibit at Palazzo Reale in Milan, showcasing various artworks recovered from organised crime.
2024 was a year packed with spectacular fashion shows, and blessed with many unforgettable designs. But which of them truly stood out as the most iconic?
Milan, the city that never rests, offers a one-of-a-kind event this november. With the exhibition “Lo Straniero” held at Palazzo Reale, visitors are invited to step in the revolutionary world of Pablo Picasso, and experience his masterpieces that defined many generations.
En Milán se está llevando a cabo hasta este domingo el Bookcity Milano 2024, una celebración que tiene programada una serie de actividades como conversatorios, seminarios y encuentros con escritores, entre ellos Clara Usón quién ayer llevó a cabo un evento llamado “palabras para contar los conflictos” en donde se habló de su novela “La hija del Este“.
Seven days of concerts, lectures and workshops will take place in the unique event that celebrates the music industry in Italy
With the beginning of the cold weather when outdoor activities are getting replaced by the indoor ones, one might start looking for them in Milan. Among various bright and educational locations, currently it is possible to visit a temporary exhibition of a photographer, Carlo Orsi, held in the Palazzo Morando.
Hello milanese people! With temperatures going down by the minute, here is a guide that can help you find a destination to try in order to avoid the cold or immerse into it even deeper for the month of December.